Do you know what happens to your soul after your death - Your soul will search for another body

What happens to your spirit when you bite the dust? 

Numerous Christians think about the spirit as an interminable element inside us that continues living after death. What does the Bible say? Depicting the production of individuals in the first place, the Bible says, "And the LORD God framed man of the clean of the ground, and inhaled into his nostrils the breath of life; and the man turned into a living soul" Other Bible interpretations say, ". . . what's more, the man turned into a living being" (NKJV; NIV). God did not put a spirit into man. He shaped the body from the tidy of the ground, and afterward He inhaled His nurturing soul into the dormant body—and the outcome was a spirit or a living being. At the point when a man kicks the bucket, the invert happens. The breath of life leaves the body, and the spirit never again exists. That is the thing that the Bible says. "The clean comes back to the ground it originated from, and the soul comes back to God who gave it".At the revival, God reunites the body and His nurturing soul—and the individual lives once more.

In the event that souls existed as particular substances that lived on after we passed on, that would mean we have everlasting status. Be that as it may, the Bible says individuals don't have everlasting status. Just God is eternal. Paul says that the equitable "look for transcendence, respect, and eternality". In the event that we had undying souls, why might the noble look for subsequent to something they as of now have?

Is there eternal life? 

Despite the fact that we may pass on, Jesus says, "I am the restoration and the life. He who puts stock in me, however, he may bite the dust, he might live". We will get everlasting status when Jesus comes again.The Bible says that every one of the individuals who has passed on—both upright and mischievous—will be brought to life up in one of two revivals. The equitable will be raised to life at Jesus' second coming. "For the Lord, Himself will slip from paradise with a yell, with the voice of a lead celestial host, and with the trumpet of God. Furthermore, the dead in Christ will rise first. As per this verse, the honorable don't go to paradise when they kick the bucket. They stay snoozing in the grave until the point when Jesus returns and raises them to undying life

The mischievous are brought to life up in a different revival—the restoration of justice. Jesus stated, "Don't wonder about this; for the hour is coming in which all who are in the graves will hear His voice and approach—the individuals who have done great, to the restoration of life, and the individuals who have done abhorrence, to the revival of judgment".

The prophets never specify in the Bible that the honorable promptly go to paradise or the fiendish go to damnation when they kick the bucket. Neither did Jesus and His witnesses show it. At the point when Jesus was going to leave His pupils, He didn't reveal to them they would soon come to Him. "Let not your heart be best; you have confidence in God, accept additionally in Me. In My Father's home are numerous manors; in the event that it was not real, I would have let you know. I go to set up a place for you. What's more, on the off chance that I go and set up a place for you, I will come back again and get you to Myself; that where I am, there you might be too".

When He restores, our friends and family snoozing in Christ will conscious from their tombs. Regardless of to what extent the time has passed, be it long or short, will appear to be however a minute to them. By the voice of Jesus, they are called forward from their profound sleep they will start to think exactly where they stopped, arousing to a grand interminability.

"For the trumpet will sound, and the dead will be raised honest … So when this corruptible has put on incorruption, and this mortal has put on everlasting status, at that point might be conveyed to pass the expression that is composed:

'Passing is gobbled up in triumph'". 

The last sensation was the string of death, the last idea, that they were falling underneath the energy of the grave, yet at that point, envision, when they emerge from the tomb to the yell,

"O Death, where is your sting? O Hades, where is your triumph?".
