Do you know about Yugas l know about our Four Yugas

Yuga in Hinduism is a time inside a four age cycle. An entire Yuga begins with the Satya Yuga, by means of Treta Yuga and Dvapara Yuga into a Kali Yuga. Our present time is a Kali Yuga, which began in 3102 BCE with the finish of the Kurukshetra War or additionally called Mahabharata war

Qualities of each Yuga

Satya Yuga (otherwise called Krita Yuga "Brilliant Age"): The first and best Yuga. It was the period of truth and flawlessness. The Krita Yuga was so named in light of the fact that there was, however, one religion, and all men were pious: subsequently, they were not required to perform religious services. People were tremendous, capable fabricated, legitimate, energetic, enthusiastic, intellectual and ethical. The Vedas were one. All humanity could accomplish incomparable blessedness. There was no horticulture or mining as the earth yielded that wealth all alone. The climate was wonderful and everybody was glad. There were no religious organizations. There was no infection, feebleness or dread of anything. Human life expectancy was 100,000 years and people had a tendency to have hundreds or thousands of children or girls. Individuals needed to perform compensations for a great many years to get Samadhi and pass on. Reference required

Treta Yuga: Is thought to be the second Yuga all together, however Treta implies the "Third". In this age, uprightness decreases marginally. Toward the start of the age, numerous heads ascend to predominance and vanquish the world. Wars wind up plainly visit and the climate starts to change to furthest points. Seas and desserts are framed. Individuals turn out to be somewhat decreased contrasted with their antecedents. Horticulture, work, and mining end up noticeably existent. The normal life expectancy of people is around 1000-10,000 years.

Dvapara Yuga: Is thought to be the third Yuga altogether. Dvapara signifies "two sets" or "after two". In this age, individuals wind up noticeably spoiled with Tamasic qualities and aren't as solid as their precursors. Maladies end up noticeably widespread. People are discontent and battle each other. Vedas are partitioned into four sections. Individuals still have attributes of youth in seniority. The normal life expectancy of people is around a couple of hundreds of years.

Kali Yuga: The last age. It is the time of murkiness and numbness. Individuals move toward becoming delinquents and need righteousness. They move toward becoming slaves to their interests and are scarcely as capable as their most punctual progenitors in the Satya Yuga. Society falls into neglect and individuals progress toward becoming liars and fakers. Learning is lost and sacred texts are decreased. People eat illegal and messy nourishment. Nature is dirtied, water and sustenance turn out to be rare. Riches is intensely lessened. Families progress toward becoming non-existent. Normal life expectancy of individuals is scarcely 100 years, however, before the finish of the Yuga, it will be as low as 20 years

Together, these four yugas constitute one Mahayuga and equivalent 4.32 million human years. As indicated by one form, there are 1,000 Mahayugas in one day of Brahma or 4.32 billion human years. A Mahakalpa comprises of 100 years of Brahma.
